Dust Complaint - Cleanaway New Chum - Jan 24, 2018

from:Geoff Yarham geoff.yarham@hotmail.com
to:Pollution Hotline <pollutionhotline@ehp.qld.gov.au>
cc:"kerry.silver@ipswich.qld.gov.au" <kerry.silver@ipswich.qld.gov.au>,
"kylie.stoneman@ipswich.qld.gov.au" <kylie.stoneman@ipswich.qld.gov.au>,
Mayor of Ipswich <Mayor@ipswich.qld.gov.au>,
David Morrison <DMorrison@ipswich.qld.gov.au>,
President IRATE <president@irate.org.au>,
"scott.blanchard@ehp.qld.gov.au" <scott.blanchard@ehp.qld.gov.au>,
"dpahlke@ipswich.qld.gov.au" <dpahlke@ipswich.qld.gov.au>,
Paul Tully <PTully@ipswich.qld.gov.au>,
Bundamba Electorate Office <Bundamba@parliament.qld.gov.au>,
"Ipswich.West@parliament.qld.gov.au" <Ipswich.West@parliament.qld.gov.au>,
"Ipswich@parliament.qld.gov.au" <Ipswich@parliament.qld.gov.au>,
"scott.blanchard@ehp.qld.gov" <scott.blanchard@ehp.qld.gov>,
"environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au" <environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au>
date:Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 11:42 AM
subject:Dust complaint Cleanaway New Chum site /ASBESTOS concern

Hi Folks,

I wish to lodge another complaint about the dust being generated at the Cleanaway New Chum site.

This morning it was observed that large clouds of dust were being generated at the site.

During the period of observation, none of the two water trucks on site were operating at the site. Both were actually observed later on refilling with water at the sediment pond to the side of Chum St.

Considerable clouds of dust were being generated through 

  1. The dumping of waste
  2. The compacting of waste
  3. The use of the dirt roadways.

The attached photos show how bad the situation was.

This has been a continual problem at this site and with both trucks not being in operation at all it is a demonstration that Cleanawy is not complying with its licence conditions nor taking the health and amenity of local residents into consideration during their operations.

In previous complaints and during open days it is certainly clear that there is no ongoing measure to control the dust generation from dumping and compacting.

If operating, the trucks tend only to water the access roads.

I also have video of this morning which better shows the dust generation and lack of control measures being applied by Cleanaway.

It would be appropriate to review their Site Based Management Plan (SBMP) as the plan either does not address this issue directly, OR Cleanawy is nor complying with the SBMP.

A further concern that it appears that there is no nominated ASBESTOS dumping site and that ASBESTOS is dumped with the normal tipping confines and then compacted along with all other waste.

Please contact me on 0407 373112 for any further information required.

Geoff Yarham

Secretary IRATE


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