BMI Swanbank waste transfer operation and dust issues

Date: 11 January 2018 at 11:07:20 am AEST
To: ""
Cc: Bundamba Electorate Office <>, "" "" <>, David Morrison <>, <>, "" Mayor of Ipswich <>
Subject: BMI Swanbank waste transfer operation and dust issues

Hi Folks,

I am very concerned about the operation of this site.

Observation today showed that large numbers of trucks were delivering waste on a constant basis.

Previous observations and talking with truck drivers we were advised that this all comes from New South Wales.

It was obvious that none of waste delivered was being processed by any recovery machinery as the waste was just being bulldozed across the site to be then loaded into a large number of various sized trucks that were then exiting the site to the west with no tarping or load covering. It appears that it is being dumped in the void to the west.

I rang DEHP officer Scott Blanchard to advise him of our concerns he advised that DEHP has been on site many times and the waste was being transferred to the Cleanaway New Chum site.

I advised him that no trucks were leaving by the main gate and the waste was being dumped to the west.

He then stated that BMI are "rehabilitating" a mine site and that "inert" waste is being placed there.

I also advise him about the dust issue with no water truck in use and significant dust clouds being raised by the operation.

He advised he would get an Ipswich DEHP officer to call me as he was on leave and he requested I lodge my concerns through the hot line.

An independent source has advised that there is no recovery of materials on site and that waste including asbestos is just moved around and then disposed of into what appear to be an unlicensed landfill without the environmental and engineering that goes with proper waste dumps.

I would request that DEHP investigate this issue as a matter of urgency and also require that BMI comply with the conditions of their EHP licence EPML03742216 which includes

"Stockpiles must be maintained in such a manner as to prevent the release of windblown dust and particulate matter to the atmosphere"

"Trafficable areas must be maintained in such a manner as to prevent the release of windblown dust or traffic generated dust to the atmosphere"

"Measures must be implemented to prevent release of windblown dust and loss of material from trucks leaving the approved place"

PLEASE NOTE the words " to the atmosphere"

It can be seen in the examples photos attached that none of these conditions are being met .

The loading truck photo show front end loaders loading waste that has been bulldozed over from where delivery trucks have been unloading waste.

I have various other photos and vids that show in more detail the issues that residents are concerned with.

IRATE Secretary 


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