
Showing posts from January, 2018

Questionable Activity At BMI Redbank Plains

Last week a tip-off was received that BMI at Redbank Plains was moving large volumes of waste from the front of it's site to a quarry at the back of the property. This led to some investigations. BMI Redbank Plains "100 percent NSW Waste" We have been told by delivery drivers that 100 percent of the waste at the site is from NSW. Normally, it gets delivered and stockpiled here then moved by local truck drivers to Cleanaway at New Chum. We followed several trucks between the two sites to confirm this. It is believed that BMI have a license to rehabilitate the old mine quarry at the back of the site but we believe this has conditions and limitations so that only clean, inert material can be used for fill. We have obtained before and after photos which appear to show that mixed general waste from NSW has been used to fill the unlined quarry. BMI quarry - December 2017 Recent photos appear to corroborate the tip-off that 10s of thousands of tons of waste has b...

BMI Swanbank waste transfer operation and dust issues

From: Date: 11 January 2018 at 11:07:20 am AEST To: " " Cc: Bundamba Electorate Office < >, " " " " < >, David Morrison < >, < >, " " Mayor of Ipswich < > Subject: BMI Swanbank waste transfer operation and dust issues Hi Folks, I am very concerned about the operation of this site. Observation today showed that large numbers of trucks were delivering waste on a constant basis. Previous observations and talking with truck drivers we were advised that this all comes from New South Wales. It was obvious that none of waste delivered was being processed by any recovery machinery as the waste was just b...


There is an issue with various waste dump facilities in the Ipswich area of Swanbank. There are 5 separate operations with 3 different companies operating them ( The Greenspot (Bio-Recycle), Lantrak and Nugrow (Growam) (See attached land use plan) All the operations use the same access of signposted as 1 Memorial Drive Swanbank. Over many years both Ipswich City Council (ICC) and  the Queensland Government through DEHP have approved conjointly these operations as well as various extensions to the same. It is clear that there are many issues for local residents around Ipswich regarding these sites with some apparently under investigation by ICC and maybe DEHP for non compliance with their various licence conditions. Recent applications approved for some sites and for a current application for another have called for transport reviews by the applicants that need to be approved by DEHP and Transport Qld. One approved application for a company named ...