
Showing posts from April, 2018


CLEANAWAY EXPANSION PLANS FOR NEW CHUM AND COLLINGWOOD PARK MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL IN MAY IRATE is OPPOSED: 1. To any expansion of the Cleanaway Landfill HEIGHT 2. To any expansion of the Cleanaway FOOTPRINT 3. To any activity involving EXPANSION INTO THE BUFFER ZONE on lot 227 between Cleanaway and Collingwood Park/Riverview 4. To any activity involving FILLING VOID 10 LAKE in Collingwood Park How we arrived at this point In 2011 as part of its MCU application 4250/2011, Cleanaway (then Transpacific Industries) tried to increase the Council approved height of its final landform at New Chum landfill from the previously approved RL70 metres to RL120 metres. This part of the application was withdrawn by the company following a P&E Court decision in its favour on rate of disposal. Nevertheless Cleanaway continued to ignore its Council approved plan (TPC192/1998), overfilling parts of Cells 1 and 5 by over 1 million cubic metres, before ...

Cleanaway Attempt To Hoodwink The Community

The attached leaflet landed in many letterbox this week. Not all households received it as other members of IRATE in Collingwood Park had not seen it. It is another scam attempt to  the community  by this company. Background In 2011 as part of their application MCU 4250/2011, Cleanaway tried to increase the Council approved height of its final landform at New Chum from RL70 metres to RL120 metres. They inadvertently withdrew this part of the application when they revised it subsequent to a P&E Court decision in their favour regarding rate of disposal. Nevertheless they continued on their merry way,  overfilling one part of the site by over 1 million cubic metres (I believe the figure is around 1.3 million).  The overfilling was discovered by IRATE and alerted to authorities. Council did not ask Cleanaway to remove the overfill and redistribute it to other cells, but required the company to submit a reprofiled landform plan with new contours and...

Concerns About New Waste Safeguards Now in Place for Ipswich

Waste safeguards now in place for Ipswich The TLPI should ameliorate the issues that have been experienced by communities living with the waste industry in New Chum and Swanbank, and buy the Council time while it reviews its Town Planning Scheme. State Member for Bundamba deserves credit for her part in getting it to happen. Among the most important changes - only filling mining voids to their top edge (ie. no mountain of waste over the hole), an increased buffer area which it is to be hoped will greatly restrict some activity or proclude it altogether, the requirement for all composting to be enclosed and not open-air, and a defined waste activity area which in New Chum recognises the very close proximity of residential development in Bundamba and Blackstone but also Collingwood Park and Riverview. We do have some concerns. 1. The TLPI has effect for 2 years but can be repealed earlier. T...